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OVC Publishing Guidelines for Print and Multimedia About OVCOJP seal: Innovation . Partnerships . Safer Neighborhoods Message From the DirectorOVC Publishing Guidelines for Print and Multimedia NCJ 229712 / March 2010
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Writing Tips


Make sure to cite all sources, in the text using the author-date style (e.g., "Smith, 1999"). In your references, include the following when providing the full citation:

  • Author(s) (if unavailable, then editors)
  • Publication date
  • Title(s) (book, chapter, periodical, article, as applicable)
  • City, state, and name of publisher (if book)
  • Volume and issue numbers (if periodical)
  • Page numbers (if article or book chapter)

Whenever possible, include links to cited works.

OVC will format all citations in your document according to OVC guidelines; therefore, using a consistent citation style will expedite the formatting process. It is imperative that you provide complete and accurate citations. Incomplete information will delay the publication of your product.

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